As the weather gets colder, we all realize we are that much closer to the PGA Show. What a show we expect, Frank got our room assignment and it is fantastic! There is a map and more info in the other forum. We already have doubled last years number of Sponsors participating with us at the PGA Show, and there are still more potentials!
We have it on good word that we should start seeing some regional results in our first ever Clubmaker of the Year Award in the next couple of weeks. These announcements will start to pave the way to the PGA Show in January where the ICG's overall Clubmaker of the Year will be announced.
Our Tech Committee continues the march to complete the ICG's Clubfitting Certification in time for the PGA Show as well, completing the tri-fecta.
We are 30+ days into our new website and not only is participation up but membership as well. Make sure to keep an eye on our Social Media Sites, for additional announcements.
Although there have been some trying times along the way, the ICG with the New Site, Social Media, COY, Fitting Cert is not only breaking some new ground for itself but many firsts for any clubmaking organization as well. Additionally with the memberclicks advanced capabilities we are documenting our processes for future BOD's, Committees and Members alike. This has been a goal all along, so we can learn, share, and benefit from past successes and future endeavors.
ARE YOUR FRIENDS MEMBERS YET? You can become a member here - and a sponsor here.
Eddie Smith
ICG President
Eddie in Montana (They have Palm Trees there?) playing with a client (notice the perfect impact pattern on the driver!)